Explore Ways to handle aging
Cowboying up with Aging

Good day to you! My name is Robert Kimball, and I’m a retired high school history teacher. I say retired, I’m currently on my 4th try at retirement! This time though, I think it might just stick; we’ll see… From personal experience I can tell you, retirement is not for the weak spirited or the unprepared. You need to think things through — you need to have a plan! There are SO many things to consider: Your finances during retirement, where you’re going to live; are you going to park it at the old homestead and prop up your feet, or are you going to travel? Do you want to jump into some stimulating continuing education, do you want to develop some new hobbies, start a new hustle-free business? And the list goes on!
What kind of mental pictures do you project when you think of this retirement thing? You don’t want to have an anxiety attack over this, but you really should work out some details before you jump, slide, or get pushed into this new life idea thing! So that’s why we’re here, you and I. I’m still learning, still growing into this thing, and after a few false attempts, I have learned a few things about what not to do, and even a few things that can perhaps make retirement a little easier, happier, more productive, and less stressful.
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